Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Final Rehearsals
When going through our finals rehearsals we made sure that props and other things that we needed for the performance were in place. For example, we realised that Ami needed to tie a letter to her foot which we couldn't do in bare foot. To solve this, we placed a pair of shoes by one of the chairs so that she could put them on during a blackout. Also, when doing a full run through, we realised that we each need a letter for the ending to place in a pile on the ground. when we came to this scene, not everyone had a letter by them. to solve this we placed an extra letter by each chair to ensure that everyone had access to letter throughout he performance.
When rehearsing the 'chair scene' the letter was threw away from the chair and I had to come out of the group to pick it up, so we decided that this should be incorporated into the performance as it draws the audience's attention to the person who has emerged from the group to retrieve the letter. This also solved the issue of the letter being thrown into a random direction on the night of the performance to reduce the chances of error.
We also realised that at the end of the performance it ends up to be a pile of letters at front and centre stage. However, a letter was left near by from the chair scene which distracted the audience's focus. To solve this, we decided that when I walk off with the chair in the chair scene, I pick the letter up as well as the chair and walk off with both.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Rehearsal and Development for our Devised performance
For this session, we worked on the live singing scene. We worked on timing and finishing the end part of the piece. When we ran through it we realised that some transitions didn't work for example Chloe entering from the left side of the stage. we thought this did not look as clean and effective as we thought so we came up with the idea of Chloe entering from the audience. For the end part of the piece, we thought it would be very effective to have everyone doing the main dance piece as we begin by doing our own small pieces.
We all thought that this part of the performance was very effective as it was very symmetrical and included cross cutting into our performance and various scenes were taking place and once. We wanted to create the effect of a persons life and mind through physicality. Me and Ellie portrayed the relationships this person has, Chloe represented the physical body, Demi, Eleni and Katie showed the person's emotions and Ami, Tia and Meaghan represented the free unpredictable thoughts.
If I was to do this performance again, I would have Chloe walking around everything that was happening to show that she was linked with it all. I would also possibly have her walk round and then join in with that scene then move on to another scene to also show that she is linked.
stimulus of the week - Letters
Word of the week: Ensemble
- When the group work together
(Tish's session)
Our stimulus for the week was letters. In our next session, we began by holding an envelope and focusing on it. We then thought about a scenario of receiving the letter and knowing exactly who it is from instantly and reacting to this in a naturalistic way. We the thought about how we would be feeling about the letter and about what could be inside; for example we could have been nervous for receiving exam results or excited because its from a relative or partner. Once we had done this, we added this to the performance we had created with Tish earlier in the day. This gave the performance emotion and created a clear link to what the letter had made us feel. After this, we created our own stylised piece to express our how we felt about what we had read within the letter. My scene was about a girl who had just received the news that a friend had passed away. To show this, I used very sharp, fast and aggressive movements to show I was angry as well as sad. I also decided to perform most of my piece on the floor as I imagined my character would be feeling low and isolated and wanting to hide from the world.

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