Word of the week: Ensemble
- When the group work together
(Tish's session)
Our stimulus for the week was letters. In our next session, we began by holding an envelope and focusing on it. We then thought about a scenario of receiving the letter and knowing exactly who it is from instantly and reacting to this in a naturalistic way. We the thought about how we would be feeling about the letter and about what could be inside; for example we could have been nervous for receiving exam results or excited because its from a relative or partner. Once we had done this, we added this to the performance we had created with Tish earlier in the day. This gave the performance emotion and created a clear link to what the letter had made us feel. After this, we created our own stylised piece to express our how we felt about what we had read within the letter. My scene was about a girl who had just received the news that a friend had passed away. To show this, I used very sharp, fast and aggressive movements to show I was angry as well as sad. I also decided to perform most of my piece on the floor as I imagined my character would be feeling low and isolated and wanting to hide from the world.

This post is out of sequence.